Nancy's Sewing Necessaries
As I reproduced the Nancy Alden sampler, I knew right away there was much more within the design she stitched. I've created seven different smalls, all from motifs within the sampler and using the same alphabets. She might have had similar things in her own sewing basket!
Note: The alphabets used throughout come from the sampler reproduction chartpak, available separately. It is assumed that you have already purchased that chartpak. If not, the alphabets are fairly common to those found in many other samplers and/or books you may already own.
Stitch count:
- Mini Hornbook, 83 x 70
- Pinkeep on Gauze: 109 x 57
- Linen Berry: 126 x 72
- Needle Book Cover: 98 x 49
- Needle Book, pages: 88 x 43
- Scissor Fob: 45 x 45
- Pin Cushion: 39 x 39
- Sewing Pouch band: 91 x 21
32 count Lentil linen from Lakeside Linens
40 count silk gauze and 30 count silk gauze
The Gentle Art: Brandy, Caramel Corn, Cast Iron Skillet, Cidermill Brown, Forest Glade, Honey Dew, Pink Azalea, Shaker White, Tea Rose, Tropical Ocean
The Gentle Art's Simply Wool: Black Licorice, Brown Bear, Buckeye Scarlet, Chamomile, Dark Chocolate, Dried Thyme, Forest Glade, Harvest Basket, Maple Syrup, Red Grape, Roasted Marshmallow (10 yards), Ruby Slipper, Tea Rose
Weeks Dye Works: Aztec Red, Cayenne, Cognac, Dirt Road, Havana, Kudzu, Putty
Other Supplies:
A detailed supply list is included in the chartpak.
Nancy's Sewing Necessaries, Copyright 2016. Original counted thread designs by Linda Stolz for Erica Michaels Designs.