Louisa Denman
The color scheme and tonal dividing bands in Louisa’s sampler are unique and quite lovely - rather soothing actually. This adaptation with the verse as shown in the model required only some minor tweaks, but is very true to Louisa’s marking sampler. If you prefer the actual reproduction, that chart is also included - as is a collectible full-color alphabet card for easy reference.
The verse on the antique reads: Jesus my saviour and my Lord; to thee I left mine eyes. Teach and isntruct me by thy word, and make me truly wise.
NOTE: In the first printing, the charts note a 3-space shaded overlap (which I often use for multi-page charts), but in this case that shading did not reproduce cleanly. I'll be fixing that, but please be aware you will have 3 spaces between pages that are duplicated.
Stitch count:
162 x 226
Picture This Plus: 36 count Legacy linen
(Comparable to DMC 612/738 - closest?)
Classic Colorworks: Mariner's Compass, Stepping Stones
Weeks Dye Works: Blue Jeans, Chickpea, Deep Sea, Seagull
DMC: 738, 3023, 3863
Stitch count:
162 x 220Note: the chart pages reference ‘shaded overlaps’ between pages, which assists when moving from page to page. However, in this case, the printing did not reproduce that clearly - be sure you are looking at that when counting!
LOUISA DENMAN, 1849, Copyright 2022. Original counted thread designs by Linda Stolz for Erica Michaels Designs.